This training will answer questions about the process of reclassification for EL students with IEPs.
Archives: Resources
Universal Design for Learning Engagement & Cultivating a Love of Learning
Imagine if every student in your classroom felt motivated and safe to bring their full self into every lesson. This is the first in a two-part series on planning lessons…
Understanding Policy Landscape: Special Education Funding Reform and Implications for the COP
Special education in CA is poised to undergo substantial reforms in the next couple of years. The Administration has invested significantly into policy research with WestEd, and the recommendations are…
Legally Defensible Special Education Assessments
Assessments are the foundation upon which a student’s IEP is developed. This presentation will provide an overview of the components of a legally defensible special education assessment and practical guidance…
Reading Intervention: High School Level
Dr. Caryn Beck-Southers is a professor of teacher fieldwork at Loyola Marymount University and is the author of “Early Literacy Intervention”. She has worked with schools and teachers to develop…
Start Right: District Oversight and Parent Involvement
Although a district validation review (DVR) occurs every 4-5 years, annual preparation and tracking is necessary to avoid special education corrective actions and to be fully prepared for oversight visits….
How Do Other States and Cities Fund Special Education?
This training will give you a detailed look at the landscape of funding for special education across the country, with a deep dive into how a selection of other cities…
Building Student Resilience Amid COVID-19
This session will address the effects of COVID-19 on students and different techniques to foster and develop student resilience. 2/10/2022
Leadership: Adaptive Leadership
Working with schools requires adaptive leadership given the nature of the complexity and range of situations a school faces on a daily basis. It is essential that leaders are adaptive…
Leadership: Hiring and Onboarding
Hiring and onboarding new leaders for a team is one of the most high leverage and crucial parts of leading a team. During this session, participants will explore various artifacts,…