This webinar will review step-by-step directions in generating a user name through OneAccess and then requesting access for Welligent. 8/14/2020
Archives: Resources
Instructional Supports: Matching Accommodations & Modifications to Learner Profiles
This workshop is designed for teachers and paraprofessionals to better understand the difference between accommodations and modifications as well as how to match learner profiles to specific accommodations. The session…
Using Data to Improve Outcomes for ALL Learners
Driving growth for exceptional learners requires a frequent and immediate response to formative and summative assessment data. In this session, Educators will learn a protocol for weekly analysis of data…
Start Right: Transition and Final IEPs
This session will review the requirements for transition and final IEPs to be held for students. Whether students are transitioning out of your school next school year (elementary, middle or…
Instructional Supports: Using Metacognitive Comments and Scaffolds to Push Student Writing
In this workshop we will discuss strategies for using metacognitive comments to push student writing in the upper elementary, middle, and high school level. We will discuss different types of…
Alternate Dispute Resolution: Soaring to Meet ALL Families
Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) is an informal process adapted by the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) and supported by the California Department of Education (CDE) for resolving special education…
Instructional Supports: Building a Comprehensive Co-Teaching Program
Throughout this interactive session, school leaders and administrators will discuss important considerations to implementing effective co-teaching programs. Participants will anticipate potential obstacles as well as gain insights into proactively planning…
Daily Doses of SEL for SWD
All students need social emotional support and SEL curriculum. Often SWDs, have compounded academic struggles with growth mindset and social-emotional challenges. This combination can significantly slow academic success and peer…
Transportation as a Related Service
Not all children with disabilities are eligible to receive transportation as a related service. A child’s need for transportation as a related service and the type of transportation to be…
English Language Development (ELD) as a Tool for Equity
This training will answer questions that English Language Development (ELD) teachers and administrators have raised about how to use ELD to help our EL students and Newcomers achieve equity. 3/23/2022