In this workshop we will discuss strategies for using metacognitive comments to push student writing in the upper elementary, middle, and high school level. We will discuss different types of…
Archives: Resources
Instructional Supports: Coaching Literacy: Introduction to Secondary Guided Reading for Coaches
This workshop is designed for coaches who are supporting teachers in guided reading at the secondary level. We will discuss the foundations of a strong guided reading lesson as well…
Start Right: Navigating Student Behavior Needs and FBAs
This session will provide guidance on how to navigate students with behavior needs through the IEP process. Participants will learn best practices for identifying students in need of additional behavior…
Leadership: Adaptive Leadership
Working with schools requires adaptive leadership given the nature of the complexity and range of situations a school faces on a daily basis. It is essential that leaders are adaptive…
Building Student Resilience Amid COVID-19
This session will address the effects of COVID-19 on students and different techniques to foster and develop student resilience. 2/10/2022
Start Right: District Oversight and Parent Involvement
Although a district validation review (DVR) occurs every 4-5 years, annual preparation and tracking is necessary to avoid special education corrective actions and to be fully prepared for oversight visits….
Reading Intervention: High School Level
Dr. Caryn Beck-Southers is a professor of teacher fieldwork at Loyola Marymount University and is the author of “Early Literacy Intervention”. She has worked with schools and teachers to develop…
Woodcock Johnson IV Tests of Achievement – Administration of Standard Battery (Tests 1-11) (not recorded)
This training will go over administration of the Woodcock Johnson IV Achievement: Administration of Standard Battery (Tests 1-11). The background, development, and organization of the assessment will be introduced, as…
Start Right: Special Education Team Meetings, Professional Development and Relationships with Non-Public Agencies (NPAs)
Participants will learn how to create and hold productive weekly/bimonthly special education meetings/trainings in order to ensure ongoing caseload compliance. Since many charters partner with non-public agencies to support special…
Reading Intervention: Middle School Level
Dr. Caryn Beck-Southers is a professor of teacher fieldwork at Loyola Marymount University and is the author of “Early Literacy Intervention”. She has worked with schools and teachers to develop…