Public Workshop Essentials
MLC would like to share this PD opportunity with Option 3 Schools. MLC is having a training with Quantum Learning on our campus this summer and we are inviting you...
Behavior Bootcamp @ LAUSD HQ
Participants will learn the basics of discipline and general behavior management in this full-day professional development. The presentation will also reference state and federal law as well as current LAUSD...
Mental Health Bootcamp @ LAUSD HQ
The Mental Health Boot Camp will provide participants with valuable tools and strategies to proactively address students' mental health needs. The Boot Camp will review best practices and LAUSD’s protocols...
Tips for Better BIPS via Zoom
Our schools serve students with increasing behavioral and social-emotional difficulties that negatively impact educational growth. In this session, we will explore what the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act requires when...
Behavior Clinic via Zoom
Attendees will have an opportunity to participate in a collaborative Q&A regarding student behavior with charter peers and COP behavior staff.
Trauma-Informed Practices via Zoom
Participants will engage in learning about trauma-sensitive schools, why it is important to adopt a trauma-sensitive approach and trauma-sensitive practices for use in the classroom and school-wide.
Welligent 101A @ LAUSD HQ
Creating an Initial IEP: This course is for new users and those that require a refresher course in Welligent. In this class you will learn how to create an IEP,...
Suspension Basics via Zoom
This training will review LAUSD SELPA policy as well as state and federal laws regarding the suspension of students with disabilities. Key topics covered include alternatives to suspension, IEP team...
Oral Interpretation Training via Zoom
Understanding the IEP team meeting process sets the foundation for oral interpreters to provide the most comprehensive interpretation possible. During this training, participants will become familiar with the Individualized Education...
Behavior Intervention Plan Deep Dive via Zoom
Attendees will have an opportunity to present their BIP (in part or in whole) in order to receive feedback and dialogue from charter peers and COP behavior staff.