COP Team Office Hours
During these office hours, we will have representation just from the School Success team who can support your general special education needs, including Welligent supports. While new information will not...
Dissecting the Intersection of IDEA, 504, and Medical Services
The IDEA and its regulations have long defined "medical services" for purposes of providing FAPE, and Section 504 and the ADA have always imposed obligations to provide services, accommodations, and...
Charter Psychologist Case Review
The purpose of the Charter Psychologist Case Review is to reduce disproportionality, ensure uniform criteria and ensure the highest professional standards are applied to all psychoeducational assessments. General participation with,...
COP Team Office Hours
During these office hours, we will have representation just from the School Success team who can support your general special education needs, including Welligent supports. While new information will not...
Supporting Students Experiencing Grief and Loss via Zoom
Participants will engage in learning about and recognizing grief and loss in their school community. Through this training, participants will have an opportunity to reflect and assess various strategies to...
Child Abuse Identification & Reporting Guidelines
Participants will engage in reviewing guidelines essential for identifying warning signs and symptoms of suspected child abuse and neglect. Mandated reporting requirements for school personnel, child protective service agencies, LAUSD...
Fiscal Council
Meeting reserved for Option 3 Fiscal Council representatives and back office support staff.
General Education, Section 504/ADA & IDEA: How Do They Work Together?
As the President’s Commission on Excellence in Special Education declared “Children placed in special education are general education children first.” General Education is the foundation for all students. Section 504/ADA...
COP Team Office Hours
During these office hours, we will have representation just from the School Success team who can support your general special education needs, including Welligent supports. While new information will not...
Informal Data Collection to Drive Behavior Supports and Interventions
Review various methods of data collection and support participants in using the data to create student data-driven interventions. Work with participants to identify appropriate data collection methods and use them...