Edwell is a non-profit organization on a mission to increase the wellness and sustainability of educators. They provide individual and small-group well-being coaching for educators, and the Option 3 community…
Categories: Option 3 Supports
Lending Library
This webinar will provide attendees with a quick tour on how to borrow from the Charter Operated Programs’ lending library. Attendees will review available assessments, the list of the resources…
Office Hours: Welcome Special Education Staff
The Charter Operated Programs team is hosting office hours for new special education leaders and/or new leaders to the LA charter community.
Overview of Policies and Procedures for Low Incidence Equipment
This training will provide participants with an overview of policies and procedures for ordering low incidence equipment.
Virtual Tour of COP and SELPA Resources
Feeling lost? This Zoom session is designed to help you navigate the many resources available through Charter Operated Programs and LAUSD SELPA. It will also highlight the contributions made by…
Welcome to Charter Operated Programs
This webinar will provide attendees with a quick tour on support from the LAUSD SELPA.
Conflict Resolution Supports Prior to Due Process
This training will provide an overview of the different supports that are available to Charter schools from our ADR consultant when there is a challenging conversation and/or disagreement. Supports include,…
AB 1172: Part 1
This training will focus on the “four W’s” of AB 1172 and give a high-level overview of the impact on NPSs, LEAs and Ed Code. 11/9/2021
AB 1172: Part 2
This training will focus on “how” to comply with AB 1172 NPS requirements, share monitoring tools and discuss how COP can provide compliance assistance. 4/5/2022